Enrique Guerrero Merono

Enrique Guerrero Merono
Enrique Guerrero Merono

equality coordinator

Contemporary dance



  • Higher Degree in Dance, specializing in Interpretation and Choreography from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona (1997)


- Dancer-performer in:

  • On-Of Dance Company directed by Margarita Amante (Cartagena, 1991-1992)
  • Roberto G. Alonso Company (Barcelona, 1993-1997)
  • Avelina Argüelles Company (Barcelona, 1995-1996)
  • Contemporary Ballet of Barcelona (1996-1997)
  • IT Dansa Company directed by Katherine Allard (Barcelona, 1997-1999)
  • Euregio Tanzt Company directed by Jochen Ülrich & Bruno Jacquind (Germany, 1999-2000)
  • Landes Theater Linz Company directed by Rober Pool (Austria, 2000-2002)


- Dancer-performer, assistant and ballet master at ABCDance Company directed by Nicolas Musín (Austria, 2003-2005)

- Dancer-performer in the Patas Arriba Company directed by Asun Noales and Arantxa Sagardoy (Tarragona, 2006)

- Dancer-performer, assistant, choreographer and dance teacher at the Otra Danza Company directed by Asun Noales (Alicante, 2007-2017)

- As a performer, he has worked with renowned choreographers such as Jiri Kylián, Nacho Duato, Ohad Naharin, Jacopo Godani, Ramón Oller, Toni Fabre, Jennifer Hanna and Luc Buoy

- Assistant and interpreter for Nicolas Musin, Angelin Prejlocaj, Wayne McGregor, Montalvo & Hervieu, Abou Lagraa, Jo Stromgren, Tatiana Baganova, Gustavo Ramirez, Barak Marshall, Slomi Biton and Asun Noales

- Pierre Wyss Award at the 16th Internationaler Wettbewerb für Choreografen (Hannover, 2001)

- Contemporary dance teacher at the Mataró Culture Classroom (1998)

- Classical and contemporary dance teacher at the Margarita Amante Movement Studio (Cartagena, 2005-2008)

- Since 2015 he has been part of the faculty of the Superior Conservatory of Dance of Alicante as a teacher of contemporary dance