The CSDA collaborates in the International Doctorate project of Dolma Jover Agulló

14 Feb 2020

The CSDA collaborates in the International Doctorate project of Dolma Jover Agulló

CSDA's 2nd and 3rd year Spanish Dance students have participated in the artistic research project Embodied Contemporalities , based on case studies on negotiation kinetic processes in the praxeology of contemporary dance carried out by Dolma Jover Agulló this week at our center.

Dolma Jover Agulló, is a PhD candidate at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität University of Linz (Austria), under the Doktoratsstudium program; Künstlerish-wiss.Doktorat (; TransArts-Transdisziplinäre Kunts.

He has been conducting a descriptive-comparative analysis based on the stylistic similarities and differences with respect to the Escuela Bolera Sevillana, Las Boleras con Cachucha by Angel Pericet and La Cachucha by Fanny Elssler .

His idea focuses on showing this comparative analysis to teachers and students of the Escuela Bolera del Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Alicante, with the hope of obtaining a greater realization of the differences and similarities between the iconic performance of the Cachucha dance by Fanny Elssler and the tradition of the Bolera School. Trying to understand what kind of information has been forgotten, transformed or kept.