Choreographic proposal of the subject of Workshop on stage: "Distanza"

26 Apr 2021

Choreographic proposal of the subject of Workshop on stage: "Distanza"

For many of us, this last year has been full of emotions, thoughts and doubts that, for some reason, we have not brought to light. Possibly, the social distance that we have adopted is not, even, comparable with the emotional distance that we suffer internally. And, perhaps, due to that darkness, which we assumed a few months ago, we cannot return to normality.

From this reflection, Distanza is born, an empathetic choreography that reflects confined dancers and felt movement. Each one of the interpreters is "locked" behind a screen that allows them to see, but nothing else, so it is easy to feel identified with the current situation and, during the approximately four minutes that the piece lasts, the scene is transformed in real life ... (Lucía Fernández)

Original idea and choreography: Lucía Fernández

Performers: Paula Cuenca, Raquel Ferrer, Paula Martínez, Marta Navarro, Estefanía Verd, Rosmari Vidal.

Music: Da a pieve di Carbini - A Filetta